Friday, 20 January 2012

My Friends

I do not get to see my friends as often as I would like, but I talk to most of them on a daily basis.
And what I like about each one of them, I can be myself . They have learned to accept me for me. Or so they say.
We can have deep conversations or totally random nonsense.
I believe Michele and I can define our conversation and maybe even have such deep understanding each other we can tell what one is thinking by our tone or the smile on our faces..The comment that comes to my mind "You smile cause you were thinking it too. Don't lie." Horrible, but god I love talking to her..

Sandra and I, I believe is the sister I never had...I think I can call her about 5 times a day, and we always have something different to say. We tend to just understand each other and our children, the lack of being judgemental of each other is the best. Although, we both can say whatever we want to each other and it will be ok. 

I like how my friends know that there can be days that I will call or they will call and I can chat and chat, but I love how they know it is normal for me to not answer the phone somedays or I might not call for days and days...It is just me. Nothing personal, it just means I am not in the mood to be on the Typically Me.
I would assume there are times they just don't wanna worries right girlies...because we are friends there is no pressure.

I know my friends will laugh at me when I fall on my face, or it is them sat next to me in jail and saying "oh shit" and laughing about it.

In time I will share a few more things about all my friends. I would be lost without them, and the things we say and do are priceless. Sometimes some of it is worth sharing..and sometimes some things I can not share..God Love them.


  1. I think the best conversations is when your laughing so hard that you forget what you were even laughing at.

  2. I think the best conversations is when your laughing so hard that you forget what you were even laughing at.
