Monday, 30 January 2012


Do you clean your teenagers room?  Or do you make them do it themselves?
Honestly is this such a big deal, like I make it out to be. Am I that crazy?  Who really cares how clean my bedrooms are? I mean who sees them?  I DO!
This drives me to totally insane. A constant thorn in my side.
Dear, Daughter of mine...if mommy cleans your room will this make you a "dirty lazy" adult.
Will my constant nagging make my daughter turn into a hoarder?  Or if I change my mind and just let her room be, will that make her hoard..Oh my!
It must matter, we as parents totally shape our children out to whom they become.
Maybe if I just let it be, she will one day just get it.


  1. Love your blogs!! You make me laugh and get me thinking....good job.

  2. Sushi, clean your room. You're drivin' your mudder to blog.

  3. Thanks Angele and Jason, I will get Sush to read
