Monday, 10 September 2018

Find myself.

2018 has had a lot of life changing moments for me. All of them just keeping adding onto a part of my story. A part of who I am. As I sit here in silence, as now a " empty nester " I am so thankful over the last couple years I have taken the time for myself to find who I am, what i like and don't.  That being alone sometimes is peaceful and easy. I like who I am becoming. From where i came, is just parts of my story. I cant wait for this next chapter.

Inspired by this quote

" if you look hard enough you'll find more than just busy and hurry. In fact if you look hard enough you just may find yourself."

Because at this point and time of my life. If I didn't know what makes my soul happy. I'd lose myself. Dwelling in the loneliness. The empty house. The lack of someone saying " mom". It would eat me up.
Because I know what feeds my soul. Because I have been becoming this woman for a few years. She gets to shine now.
I was a young mom . With no regrets. With good grown children. I know i can live a life they would be proud of now.  There goes my mom... Lorna is on the go again. I hope I make them proud as much as they make me.

Stay Tuned~lc